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    September 17, 2009


    Judith, I don't know how long ago the interview occurred or when it was published.

    But if I were in your shoes, I would most definitely:

    --Write a letter to the editor of the magazine, stating the inaccuracy and setting the record straight. You want to be on the record with your corrected comments, particularly because a future employer might have read the original article.

    --Call the direct supervisor of the person who interviewed you and state your concern. It sounds as though the writer had his mind made up about what he wanted to write, and he was baiting you, hoping you'd go along with his agenda.

    Too many PR people are afraid of stepping on reporters' toes. But in this case, it is absolutely warranted.

    P.S. I would not call this reporter or anyone like him "a valuable contact." If he does this to you, he'll do it to your PR clients, too.

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